OC considers name change.....
If you haven't yet heard, OC is considering another name change. Let's see, there's been Central Christian College, Oklahoma Christian College, Oklahoma Christian University of Science and Arts(OCUSA), and now Oklahoma Christian University or just plain OC. The name change is being considered per university communications due to confusion between OC, OCU(Oklahoma City University), UCO(University of Central Oklahoma, formerly Central State University), and even OBU(Oklahoma Baptist), and others.
Is it possible that if we can put enough scratch together we might be able to get this thing renamed in our favor? Let me know if you have an extra $10,000,000.00 or so and maybe if there's enough response and no one's too selfish about the name, we could pool our contributions and not only change the name to Delta U., Delta State, or Delta Christian(don't laugh) but maybe even get the mascot changed to the Bulls and the colors changed to beautiful maroon and gold. If we could raise $60m and double the endowment at OC, I think we might get it done. Let me know.
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